Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm still alive...

It has been a long time. My life caught up with me and I got very busy. Went camping for awhile, then spent some time with my grandparents at their cabin up north, then to Milwaukee for the Warrior Dash, and back to school to get ready for students. All of this has led me back to my old ways. Oh I still am keeping track of some of my calories, I am still getting in exercise, and still trying to eat right. However, I have been eating bad foods, drinking a beer here and there, and eating some sweets. The results haven't been horrible. I have been on the scale and watched it yo-yo up and down. Up to 257 and then today down to 252.9. Not where I wanted to be by now. Very frustrating. The worst part is that when I am eating the things I know are bad for me, I tell myself that it is yet I can't stop putting it in my mouth. I can't say no to food, and once I start it all just starts piling in and I have eaten enough for a family of 5. But I am back. I am still trying to fight the fight. Here we go again.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 12, 13, 14

Well, not such a great weekend for a diet. Camping was phenomenal. I made some great memories with my boys and had a good time with my family. Unfortunately healthy eating took a break. I didn't do terrible, I made some effort for portion control and filled my plate with more vegetables than sides. Yet, I ate chips, brats, white bread, and drank beer. The calories in a beer are unbelievable. That is too bad, as a good beer can always make any day better; especially, around the camp fire. On the flip side, as fas as activity goes I was through the roof. I canoed, handled set up and take down, rode my bike, walked, and just over all wore myself out. Hopefully that will be my salvation. Any type of recording was not done. Just too many excuses, including not wanting to know. Feel bad now, but back on the saddle I go. Topped of my cheating weekend tonight with pizza at my family's favorite place to go. The next 3 days I will be at my grandparents resort. It will be my challenge to do better on this mini-vacation. Wish my luck.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 11

Yesterday was a really busy day. I repainted our bathroom and did some work on our camper. I was so busy, I didn't really eat much. I worked from 8 am to 11 pm. I was thinking I would see good results this morning, but when I stepped on the scale I had a .2 lb gain. Disappointing. I did some research last night when I was done about sodium and have a new challenge to keep mine under 2,000 mg a day. That is going to be tough because everything has it in it. It is going to be short today, because I am camping this weekend and have to get ready to go. Food will be tough this weekend, as we are camping  and eating with what my parents bring. Again I am just going to have to do portion control. Well see you Monday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 10 and 11

Checking in a little late. Was working all morning, which will get to be a more frequent thing since school is starting. You see, I am a teacher. Which also means the school year is starting soon that brings a lot less time for exercise, makes it harder to eat healthier (somebody is always baking on our staff), and I gain a ton more stress. Still have a month before it rolls in full time, so hopefully I can really gain some momentum to make it easier to keep rolling.

Weighed in this morning at 253.2, which is great because I also had a late meal last night (about 10:00). My body is definitely shedding some lbs now. Add to it that my muscles are sore from lifting and I am really starting to feel good about my progress. I am part of musky fishing league that fishes every Tuesday for 3.5 hours. It is definitely a great workout and I'm exhausted at the end of every night. Only problem is that I don't get home till 10ish, so my meals are rather late. I also did a full deep clean of my house, which though the calorie burn looks high I was definitely sweating.
Exercise: 6 burned a lot of calories, but didn't get that true fatigue I do from something more demanding like running.
Food: 10 All healthy food, all day plus right number of calories.
Today was a little different. I had to be at school for some meetings and they provided us with a lunch. It was sandwiches with fresh fruit and a variety of pasta salad options. I skipped the pasta salads, and found some creamed cucumbers. Ultimately while the calorie count wasn't terrible I feel like the sodium intake was probably through the roof. I also was starving when I got home so I grabbed some snacks before heading to the gym. At the gym I got in a decent lift, but ran into a friend and wasted 20 minutes talking which meant I had to skip my run so I could swim with my kids. The swimming calorie burn seems high, but I did try to do a lot of swimming around with them so as to burn the calories. I ended up with another late meal at Subway. I added the avocado thinking it was healthy only to find the fat and calorie content was much higher than I wanted. Which reminds me that I want to check out nutrient info to see if I am eating my calories with the right balance.
I am not so confident in my weigh in tomorrow. We will see.
Exercise: 5 Was pretty stationary most of day and not pleased with workout.
Food: 5 Calories aren't too high, but feel like the quality wasn't great today.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 9: Check In and a Challenge


A great day yesterday. I took in the desired amount of calories, all full of good nutrition and got in plenty of exercise. A couple of hours spent at the YMCA always makes for a healthier feeling. I went to bed content and satisfied even knowing that in the morning my weigh in would be higher because of a very late large meal. Sure enough I was up to 255 this morning for a 2 lb gain, but really think that has more to do with timing than gaining weight. I haven't been eating anything late at night the past week, but last night didn't get to eat dinner until 9.
My workout was amazing. The lifts went really well, and I made it a full mile and a half at a constant pace averaging a 10 minute mile. That is a great accomplishment for me. I am going to have to keep it up though, because I am participating in a 3K Challenge called the Warrior Dash on August 18th. My wife talked me into it, but I am starting to look forward to it as I start shedding this weight and get in better physical condition.
I have had more people recommend that I up my calories so I have moved them up to 1800. I went to this recommended website: BMI Calculator that has lots of great information about calories and also gave me some insight on my body fat and overall health. The body fat number shocked me. My scale told me 32% this morning, I am not sure which is correct but prefer the website obviously. Well here is to another great day!
Food: 10 Good numbers all the way around.
Exercise: 10 Killed it!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 8

Well Week 1 is complete. Yesterday was another ok day. Went to breakfast with my family and tried to order healthy. What a challenge that is! They had a "lite menu" but it appeared to be pretty unhealthy to me. One of the items on it for example was a muffin which is loaded in sugar. It was obviously not designed by a nutritionist. So I decided to explore on my own and found a veggie omelet. They had chosen to have it covered in cheese and hollandaise sauce, but I simply asked to hold those items. Unfortunately, though they skipped the hollandaise sauce it still showed up with cheese. It took 40 minutes for it to arrive and with a 4 and 2 year old out for breakfast and a waiter who appeared to be frazzled and on the job for the first time, I decided to go ahead and eat it. After all, I have had several suggest I up my calories anyway so I figured I could make due. I skipped the hash browns that came with it and only ate one piece of the wheat toast that accompanied it. It was manageable and I walked away feeling as if though I didn't eat that many calories. I found comparable items on Lose It and was happy with the calories I took in. Lunch at my moms wasn't as bad as I had thought either. She had plenty of healthy options and I managed to eat only one serving and skipped dessert. HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT! It was a German chocolate pie that I love and I made it out with out a bite! I made dinner light and still walked away with a good calorie count.
Exercise was not an easy task to find time for. With grocery shopping, my dad's birthday lunch, and then a home improvement chore I ended up not getting a hard sweat. I did chase my kids around my parents yard and the chore used some effort so I got some calories burned, just not what I want. To the Y today.
So how did it all end up? Well this morning I stepped on the scale to find 252.9! Thats a 10 lb lose in a week!! Here goes Week 2, though I am sure I won't see the same results another 5 lbs this week would be great!
 Food-7: I managed to eat out without inhaling a ton of calories, and ate my mom's cooking without overdoing it. However, still ended up over my allotted amount.
 Exercise-2: Had some physical activity, but nothing as strenuous as what I want to get in daily.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 7

I ate pretty well yesterday. Had one slip-up with a pizza my wife had made for lunch. It just looked too good to pass up. Although I was only going to take one bite, I ended up eating 4 small slices. I had to put it in the log with the closest I could find, but I'm uncertain on the accuracy. We got a ton of fresh produce from friends gardens and the farmers market, which having in the house is making it easier for me to make healthy options. As far as exercise goes, it was a rainy lazy day, so we didn't do much besides get out and do some shopping. Weekends are so tough for me to maintain a regular schedule. I need to get more motivated on Saturdays and Sundays.
Today's weigh-in was ok, dropped back down to 256.9. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be back under my 256 I weighed in on Friday. That would make for a successful weekend in my book. We are supposed to do lunch at my parents today, which is a little scary. My mom is a good cook, and I am certain she won't have healthy options. I will just have to modify my portions. Here it goes.